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Showing posts from 2016

Implementation 3 - use arduino uno and bluetooth link

concept:  Function A (input) performed by an arduino uno connected through bluetooth as using a serial communication. Other function B C D actions performed by a java programme. Image of hardware setup: Arduino with switches, bluetooth adapter, serial link The main benefits of this configuration is that the keyboard is not needed anymore as a link in the input chain. The host can then listen to the bluetooth data sent in the background, while the keyboard is being used for different purpose. Also, the application on the host does not need anymore to have the focus. Last, the input device can be split from the host computer or device.

Implementation 2 - use arduino uno acting as keyboard

concept:  Function A (input) performed by an arduino uno connected through USB and acting as a keyboard. Other function B C D actions performed by the same java programme as in first implementation. Image of hardware setup: Arduino wwith switches, USB link, Story In this implementation, we try to separate the input device from the device finally being controlled and performing the actions. Arduino uno is fitted with 5 inputs. To start with these inputs are switches. These switches are treated exactly as the keyboard keys in the first implementation. the switch pressed is considered as the 'keydown' event. Arduino sends the USB code representing a combination of keys pressed ( max 6 keys can be pressed simultaneously together). On the host side, the program still listens to key pressed and builds the "words" according to the rhythm at which the switches are pressed. Arduino code Specific trick to have Arduino Uno seen as a  keyboard by a co...

Implementation 1 - java based rhythmic listener and interpreter

All 4 steps performed by a java programme Java was selected since it allows one programme to run independently of the platform, Windows, OSX, Linux. A The user can perform a rhythm using up to 5dedicated  keys on the keyboard. B, J, K, L, M were selected since they fall easily enough under the fingers of a right handed user. Entries are performed in a way close to playing keys and chords on a piano keyboard. B keystrokes on the dedicated keys are converted into "chords" and "phrases" "Chord" represents the keys that are pressed simultaneously - it is basically an array of 5, with values 1 or 0. "Phrase" represents a group of chords separated by a variable interval. This is the actual rhythmic pattern. The length of the interval between chords is recorded using a number. The shortest interval is given the value 1, the other intervals are given a multiple (2 if the interval is twice as long as the shortest in the phrase, ...) Th...

Rhythmic interface with machines

Introduction Many forms of human user interfaces are available to interact with electronic devices. Most commons ones use a keyboard and mouse and touch screens. Voice interface is developing and gaining momentum. This project was started from the observation that most commonly used HID require that the user has a visual contact with the interface device (applies in particular with touch devices like smartphones and tablets, also with keyboards). Some common or recurring tasks however could be completed without a visual contact with the device if the interface was designed for that. These task include launching a specific app, opening a file, writing a standard text... The project will explore an ancient and yet rich, not to say endless means of communication which are rhythms. Drums have been used to carry messages between villages. Some people living in rural areas use song and whistle as  a second specialist second language to communicate on a longer dist...