Wifi enabled temperature and humidity sensor and client sending email notifications description This project was developed as part of a research to build a temperature automation system for our charming but cold Auckland home. Relying on electric oil heaters as sole source of heating in children's room, the aim was to monitor continuously the temperature at night and to turn on or off the heater according to the measured temperature. The project described in this post does the first half and mode demanding part of the job which is log a temperature, broadcast it to the web using the MQTT protocol through the house's wifi. A small and cheap ESP8266 Wifi board programmes using the Arduino language reads temperature and humidity through an DHT22 sensor and broadcasts the values to an MQTT server at set intervals. A custom client written in the java based Processing 3 and running on a computer located anywhere (Macbook in this case) displays the readings and sends not...
Research projects around graphic programming, internet of things, arduino platforms, and other forms of accessible technology.